Monday, January 2, 2012

Million Dollar Feet...

I can remember like it was yesterday. The year was 1992, and I witnessed my fellow classmates being checked into school with a nonchalant (thanks to Twitter Fam for the spelling) look on their faces. It was a regal, snootiness unfit for an 8th grader. But who could blame him?  He was 13 years old with a pair of $120 Air frikkin Jordans.

"Aye cuh, them the new Jordans?" "Yeah, my mama took off work so we could catch Footlocker when they opened." I never understood that. Maybe its because I knew that it was no way in #Hell that Orlean Baldwin would spend that much money on some shoes. Never mind, taking off work and checking me into school to do it.

That cultural foolishness has grown into the beast we see today. Those then 8th graders are now the parents of little Jordan Monsters. C average kids who feel obligated to have a pair of now $200 pair of Jordans. I'm sure many of you have heard about the stampede that took place at a mall over some damn shoes. There are also reportings of people being robbed over a pair of foot covers.

In 2012, the once Jordan Monsters have since evolved their obsession. Now the adult groove is the ever so popular Christian Louboutin red bottom shoes. These shits are $1,000+. Maybe this is my brokeness speaking, but no one making less than $100,000 a year should even want to wear these heauxs. No one with a Toyota car note has business purchasing a pair of shoes that are higher than their car payment.  Today's parents are the result of being Jordan Monsters.

So as I end my rant, I want to urge my people to think above the social influences of fitting in and "Keeping up with the Jones's." Money is too hard to come by these days for middle class Americans to over spend on shoes due to name or color of the heal.  The makers of the shoes don't even respect us. If they did, they'd make a version that fit YOUR budget and lifestyle. Michael should be ashamed of himself. I should kick him in the ass with my Adidas shell toes. After all, it's what's in your heart that counts, not what's on your feet.

Be Blessed!


  1. I agree with you cuh! Lol even though I am definitely a slave to fashion. However, we need to set some priorities. I mean Carolyn was just like your mama...I ain't never checked in or out of school for anything unless I was half dead.



  2. Thanks for commenting. I tried to join your blog. Is this the right URL?

  3. Wait...Wait....did she say your child can get..ammonia?? or Pneumonia......please tell me she said Pneumonia....she has no bizznezz gettin Jordan's if she thinks your child can catch ammonia
